Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Goings On

While perusing "The Rest is Noise" blog by Alex Ross, I came across a link to his review of "Tosca" entitled "Fiasco" in the New Yorker:


Though his review has not been discussed here yet, the contents of his review follow the same opinions expressed by Opera Chic in Lindsey's post, "To boo or not to boo?". Mr. Ross backs up his title choice by using the audience's reaction of adamant booing: "By the end of opening night, Gelb had on his hands a full-blown fiasco, with boos resounding from the orchestra seats, the upper galleries, and even the plaza outside, where people had watched on a screen for free."

I would like to also direct attention to the blogs the New Yorker publishes:

The blogs encompass topics from politics to pop music. The two that I believe to be particularly relevant to our discussions here are "Goings On: Cultural happenings in New York and elsewhere, both online and off" and a subset category of "Goings On" entitled "Classical Music".


The New Yorker also publishes an excellent Blogroll where you can find blogs on music from New York to London and if you explore these links long enough, topics that range from current musical events to marketing the performing arts.

NY Music: http://www.feastofmusic.com/
Marketing performing arts: http://www.artsjournal.com/lifesapitch/

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