Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Unexpected Success!

This is fantastic! I wanted to find some information on the other performances of Goyescas, and I found the original 1915 press release of the NY Times! Thank you, Internet!

Produced by Mexican writer Francisco Gandara, the article describes Granados as a hesitant but dignified public figure, with a brilliant mind and a shy demeanor. It plays up the world premier of Goyescas in New York, which was supposed to be presented at the Grand Opera House in Paris, before the war postponed the performance indefinitely. When Giulio Gatti-Casazza, general manager of the Metropolitan Opera, extended an invitation to bring the opera oversees, Granados agreed. It was a decision that would eventually end his life.

Gandara recalls first meeting Granados, at the inaguration of the Granados Concert Hall in Tividado, Barcelona. Catering to the demands of the crowd, Granados busted out his sketch for the tone poem “Dante” which was still a work in progress at the time, but was still effective in setting off the crowd.

He then recalls a private meeting with the composer in his study. Granados shows him all the Goya paintings that inspired him to write first the piano suite, then the opera. I think the article provides a great insight into Goyesca’s personality. I know I should focus on the opera in wikipedia, but I am tempted to use this article to beef up the page on him as well. It’s something else to do.

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